What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 
What are you putting the cord on, and what are you trying to achieve?

I like the Silent Source Signature used under $500. Not a huge drop from the Music Reference, and good in most applications.

For $500 new the Synergistic Research UHF Black 10 gauge is really good on an amp. 
I bought 3 Nordost Valhalla 2 meter for $500 each. At the same time I bought Valhalla 4 meter speakers wires. The SC were in need of repair. I thought what the Hell I'll put the PCs in while waiting for the SC to come back from Nordost. I ran one into my pre amp the other into mu mono blocks. I run dedicated lines. Was never a believer of high end cables. That has changed. I got back the Valhalla SC. They are amost broken in. Given the MSRP of $52k, I would Have never bought them. My price of $3,120 all in repaired and certified. Side note, I purchased Tyr interconnects and additional PCs that  cost me more then my original investment. All good, system warrants it.