Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

I was visiting a professional musician who was in town, and happened to be a friend of mine. I asked him what artist he was into now, "Baden Powell", he told me.

I had never heard of Mr. Baden Powell at that time, so I asked him for a little run down on him.


My friend is no longer with us, and I'm reminiscing about that visit; although he was at the top of his game, and in town professionally, my visit was not fan to musician, but friend to friend. While we talked about records, the same as you and I, when we looked directly at one another, we could see the experiences we had shared; swimming in the public pool, going to camp together, and on and on, but never verbalized them.

I stayed quite a while, and when I left, I could see the relaxed look on his face; he just wanted to unwind with a friend and chill.

That was a long time ago, now I'm a Baden Powell expert; his Afro Brazilian rhythms are incomparable, they're rhythms found only in Brazil.

    Canto De Ossanha   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgS16Ipnr2E

Afro Brazilian is a marriage made in heaven, and no one does it better than "Baden Powell".

Due to Astor Piazzolla's Libertango, I so like these girls...

Kovacs - I've Seen That Face Before


Grace Jones - I've Seen That Face Before (Libertango)

"What are you searching for?
To encounter death?
Who do you take yourself to be?
You too detest life… "

Thank you Mary Jo for introducing me to new music that I like; including Grace Jones who's music I'm unfamiliar with.

Glad to hear you enjoyed that show , there is nothing better then the live concert experience.   Hope the sound was great  wherever you were seated. Two female artists i think deserve wider recognition:

Roxy Coss



Ingrid Jensen
