What would you choose for about $1k, ZU DW, SVS Ultra bookshelf or Tekton Lore?

I need your help upgrading from my first system (NAD with B&W 602’) to my next system, that I hope will last me for the next 10 years. My budget for speakers is just over $1200. I have narrowed it down to either the SVS Ultra bookshelf, the Tekton Lore or Zu’ upcoming DW Omen special ( should I include Magnipan .7’?) -which of these three-four would you select and why? I am running a Schiit Vidar with Schiit Saga preamp. I love all kinds of music, my music room is about 12 feet by 24 by 12 feet. My main mission is for high quality stereo sound at a reasonable price -that will be a good improvement on my current B&W 602 setup. Thank you! 
Great thread!  I'm in Canada too and considering getting a pair of DWs.  Just waiting to hear back about shipping costs...
Looking forward to your impressions when they arrive!
I recently purchased the Tekton Lore as a combined birthday/xmas present to myself. They have replaced a pair of Polk Monitor 7's. I was skeptical at first. But after letting them break in/ play without listening for 10 hours I must say I am amazed at the Tekton Lores sound. The Polks have been upgraded xovers and sound wonderful but don't even come close to the separation, clarity, impact that the Lores bring to the listening environment. I disagree with Tekton's customer service. I found that Eric or Karma responded to any questions either by email or phone call very promptly. 
Hey, nietzsche007 - not to revive a dead thread, but was curious to see if you've received your DWs yet and how you like them? Anything in particular that you found surprising, in good or bad ways? Anything you love or hate about them?