Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

Ag insider logo xs@2xphil0618
I must say I was perhaps a bit too harsh on US. Most of my experience was based on 10%IPA +0.1% PhotoFlo for 10min at 70% power, 33C, 3rmp, and then a US rinse with DI water to get rid of the crappy PhotoFlo "plastic"sound. Now I’ve cleaned about a dozen of Lp’s using 5%IPA + 0.05% Tergitol, 15min, 70%, 33C, 1rpm, and apart from the record I happened to use for tests (which turned out to be problematic), the rest does show v nicely quiet background with very much reduced amplitude of clicks n pops compared to what I’m used to. I did not take the time to listen inbetween initial vac pre-clean and the US clean, so this subjective opinion is based on the final result of my vac+US+vac cycle (which costs me an arm and a leg - I can’t do more than a dozen Lp’s per day). All in all, at this moment I can say US can be efficient but not out of the box (in the DIY version) - quite some experimentation and tuning needed.

PS I’ve found a 0.5um polyprop filter to better filter the solution....and ordered a Keith Monks record brush to perhaps improve pre-clean too. What I’m failing to find is a small (4-5W) 0.3-0.5rmp motor in EU.
@bydlo- for what it’s worth, the Monks brushes work really well on the Monks which runs at a higher rpm than something like the VPI. I don’t know what fluid you are going to use for pre-wash, but I’ve found that the velvet pad type, e.g. Disc Doctor/MoFi, do a better job with the AIVS No. 15 (which is what I use for heavy duty pre-cleaning). It allows you to delicately ’scrub’ the record. You have to pre-wet the applicator pad, which soaks up more than a brush. The applicators from Lloyd Walker are unidirectional pile and the easiest for me to handle. I will pre-pre-clean to get the grit or surface particles off using a mild fluid and brush (.e.g, Hannl, but you could use something else), and vacuum. Then use the AIVS No 15, let it soak, agitate (light scrub) and sit, doing this while the motor on the Monks is "off. The pads create more resistance/friction than the brushes and I don’t want to screw up the motor; there is also no need to spin the disc at speed to do the scrub/agitate phases. I don’t have to worry about grinding particulates into the surface b/c of the pre-pre clean. I will add more fluid, and agitate more. Then vacuum, rinse with high grade water, then US. If I’m really compulsive, I’ll do a vac dry on the Monks rather than using the blow drier on the KL which has helped get some remaining tracing distortion out of a few records.
Obviously, I don’t go to these lengths on every record. But, some need the extra work to get to a high state of play without any groove noise. And it works!
@whart Interesting re the brushes. I've been using brushes (Osage for cleaning, Okki Nokki for the rinse) thinking they create more resistance, which is what I want (I like working harder through the vinyl surface). Never tried pads but will definitely do! I also scrub so motor speed is not an issue - I can create any speed my hands allow ;)  I pre-clean with the same fluid I use for US: 5%IPA + 0.05% Tergitol S7
@bydlo- are you in the States? Try the AIVS No. 15 for the deep cleaning if you can. You must rinse afterwards though.