What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 
If you don't have to over-spend for power cables, but are looking for superior performance for a modest price, I can't recommend virtue audio cable (Jason Terpstra) enough. It is unbelievable what you get for your money. I researched this subject to death. I have a $35,000 2 channel system and I run his power cords and his interconnects. 
To Xenon,

I see you have a budget of $500.00. Some of these power cords will be more than that obviously. I have been experimenting with a few in your price range: Anti-Cable, Audio Art, Shunyata Alpha Series (excellent cable), and lately Audioquest Storm Series Hurricanes (pricey). 

One thing to consider is the connector itself. Audio Art offers Furutech connectors on most of their PC's and I noticed a huge difference with the FI-28 Rhodium connector. Now, if you want to stretch your budget a little bit, the Audioquest Storm Series Thunder starts at $625.00.

If it's anything like my Hurricanes...Get ready for a mind blower.   
Distribution was indicated, and it’s important. It’s the beginning of the process to feed your equipment. 

You can begin by buying 1 cable and a good distribution outlet. These can also be picked up on the used market saving you money. 

From there go to the preamp then amps, then source as resources allow. One note: consider something with star grounding, it’s in the upper range category below and significantly helps define resolution 

Upper end:

Nordost, Ansuz, Shunyata

Middle end:

PS Audio, Furman 

Has anyone here used the Maze Audio power cords, Audio Power Cables
I have been using their  Ref4 Krell power cords for years on all of my equipment and they really open up the sound and give your system a really black noise floor, they generally take me about 75 to 100 hours to burn in but after that you can really tell the difference over stock cables, and the prices won't leave you broke.