I'm thinking about a Jolida system, and would like to know from those in the know!

Good morning all from the Whaling capitol of the world!

I am on the verge of either the Rogue Cronus Magnum II or a Joilda 3502S and their phono pre.

Comments please, especially about the sound, stability, build quality, service and anything else you can tell me, taking the dive from SS into tubes!

Ive had the cm2 for 3 yrs now no problems. It sounds more musical then the older SS Mcintosh system which it replaced. Every time I audition a new SS Integrated at the stores when I come home and turn my CM2 on I forget about the ones at the store. Also the phono stage sounds pretty good. VPI Scout Hana cart and budgie-10 step up transformer. Also by rolling the center pre amp tube you can go from analytical to warm pretty easy.
Ive had a JD9 Mk 2 for a few years now, tube rolled, and am quite happy with it. Good presence, adjustable on the fly, nice gain for low mc's. 

The Jolida folks were always prompt and knowledgeable. 
eag618, ejman:
I got these Preferred Series tubes for my Jolida 801:

I’m extremely pleased with their performance.
Much bigger image, bigger and controlled bass, I noticed more extension on the cymbals, piano notes are bigger, centered lead vocal and instrument. Guitars sound much bigger, toms sound silky and fast, the attack on the drums are more accentuated. I think these tubes are worth every penny. I’m so excited. This is the first time that I bias the amp.