What's your speaker IQ, and the best speaker?

Please forgive the fact that this is a direct overlap of the popular "The best speaker you ever heard?" thread. However as much as I love the original thread, far too many of the respondents do not list what other speakers they have auditioned, severely limiting the value of that particular answer. For example if you say, "The Dunlavy SC-V are the best speaker bar none" and all you ever heard before that are whatever was at Best Buy, it is hard to give that opinion a lot of weight. But if you say, "The Dunlavy SC-V are the best speaker bar none" and I've listened to Von Schwiekert VR-11s, Avalon Eidolon Diamonds, and the entire Wilson line .. well then NOW you're saying something.

So in my perfect world, the posts would go something like: "Krix Equinox, Rogers Studio 1a, Quad 12L, Quad ESL989, ATC SCM 20SL, Kef C40s, most of the Thiel line, but I have to say far and away the best speaker I've ever hear is ..."

Forgive me again, but I guess this also overlaps the popular "Personal speaker evolution" thread! However if this topic takes on any traction, I think it can be a perfect marriage of the other two threads and very valuable resource.

Try to answer by listing the speakers first, so that when the answers post they will be seen in the 1st line of the post and anyone browsing the thread can then click on those answers that mention speakers that he/she is interested in.

This could be fun, thanks!
Soundesign all in one stereo with plastic speakers
Infinity Qa
Magneplanar MG-1b
Magneplaner MG-IIb
Magneplanr MG IIIa
Apogee Stage
Martin Logan SL3
Magneplanar Tympani IVa

Apogees had the best midrange.

Tympanis have the best, although not the loudest or deepest bass.

Martin Logan had best resolution at lower listening levels.

MG-1bs were most enjoyable, but perhaps because they were my first audiophile loudspeaker.

I think my speaker IQ is still low, and I will forever search for the best- that is why I am a neurotic, obsessive, compulsive audiophile replying to your post.

Maggie 3.6R, Wilson WP 6, Wilson WP 7*, Kharma 3.2RMe, Kharma Midi Ceramique*, Kharma Midi Exqusite, Von Schweikert VR4jr, Von Schweikert DB99, Zu Cable Druid, Dali Megaline, Pipedreams 15*, Vandersteen 5A*, Von Schweikert VR9*, Audio Note AN-E SE Signature, Avantgarde Duo*, Wilson Maxx*, SAP J2001*

This is a good post. I have added * to the speakers that I have heard in other people's systems, but still at length. The ones without * I have had in my system and therefore carry more weight. I have not listed speakers I have just heard at shows or once at a dealer etc.

My tastes are for tonal purity and dynamics, so my favorite speaker is the Audio Note AN-E SE Signature.

However the best speaker in a audiophile sense, has deep bass, extended top, soundstage etc. etc. is the Dali Megaline.
I own 8 pairs of speakers at the moment and you want me to give you a list of every speaker I have heard at length. I couldn't even begin to try such a feat.
The best speakers I ever Heard are Arnie Nudell's personal set of 1989 Infinity IRS Vs which were refurbished after being played once to show the world what he could do and then crated and stored for 20+ years. Bill Legall a true master at the craft of speaker repair etc. preparedthem for regular use. There is no one who knows infinity better than him, I say that with certainty. I am not generally impressed with Infinity but his IRS Betas and his two sets of IRS Vs are utterly amazing- if you enjoy big sound which I happen to like very much. He also owns a variety of other great classic speakers. My own are not interesting except for my Vintage 1959 JBL C38s with the 030 package and the C36s with the D-131 driver and the 075 tweeters. I use JMlab Electras 936s and VSA VR2s nothing really interesting, but I have listened critically to dozens. I couldn't posibly list them all.