Vandersteen 2CE Signature Speakers

Hello.  I recently auditioned a used pair of Vandersteen 2CE Signature speakers. I found them to be amazing for jazz (lots of detail, great imaging) - really everything I read about on how these speakers sound.  However, upon listening to classical (full orchestral recordings of Mahler symphonies and Strauss tone poems), I found them to be boxy, dull and closed (quite the opposite from the jazz recordings).

Is this normal?  Why would this happen?  What can be done to fix this? I would like to buy them. 

Perhaps a poor recording? I would experiment with many different recordings from LP to CD to see if you get better results. Also Vandersteen tends to be a little power hungry, so, if possible, try a beefier amp to test with. Good luck, these are fantastic all around speakers.
OP - Please report back after listening to a variety of symphonic recordings.  What associated components are you using?
I listened to them at the seller's home with his Manley Neo Classic 250 amp and Sonic Frontier 3 preamp.  And I listened to both LP's from Mobile Fidelity and Telarc; and CD's from DG and Phillips (all high sonic quality recordings which normally sound great on my home system (Yamaha DAP A1 integrated amp and Wharfedale Rubiance RB 27 speakers).

I do realize that they will sound different in my listening room.  But I don't think I can take them home then return them if not happy.