What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

Audiophiles are starting to wake up to the benefits of active speakers and are holding out for some of the manufacturers to start building the upper end speakers as active.
Fewer people are listening to two-channel audio. Television viewing and on-screen gaming are more attractive to younger folks. They don't just want to sit in a dimly-lit room listening to music from a pair of speakers! They look at this as an old geezer activity!
Fewer people are listening to two-channel audio. Television viewing and on-screen gaming are more attractive to younger folks. They don’t just want to sit in a dimly-lit room listening to music from a pair of speakers! They look at this as an old geezer activity!

>>>>>That’s very observant of them. 👀
Not only are we dying off, but the up coming generations are going deaf early from blasting their ears out with earbuds.  HEA, LEA, a good chunk probably don't have the ears to appreciate it
I don't think there is any question that the trend is downward.  But, the question is abut the current cycle.  Sales are very slow, possibly slower than they were after the financial crisis in 2008.  How is that possible?  I personally believe that most sellers are wildly over-optimistic in setting their prices.  I am always surprised to see items I sold 7 or 8 years ago routinely listed for 50+ percent more than I sought.  Part of that is the growth of dealer listings.  I do see well priced, popular items selling in a day or so.

If you are not in that category, well, you might as well be playing the lottery!