Anyone heard/own Xindak SCD-2 Tube SACD/CD player?

Any Thoughts,Especially CD playback.Can't find any info/reviews on the Xindak.I'm considering this or a Sony XA777-ES.Thanks,JD
I just ordered a Xindak SCD-2 after much serious consideration. As you probably are aware there is not much out there to go on!
I read everything i could on the web, wrote to dealers requesting opinions and comparisons and finally went ahead with my order. It was shipped to me on the 14/04/03 and so i expect it to be with me sometime next week.
This is basically a tweaked Sony machine and i can't wait to get it up and running!!
If you want to write to me about it i will give you my honest opinions.
I will be using it for headphone listening only, and will be using my Grado RS-1's with the Grado RA-1 headphone amp with also the Grado Signature 1M interconnects.
Please email me with any queries that you may have.
I picked one of these up for almost free. I like the sound. My only complaint is it won't play ~20% of my old CDs. Not sure if laser is going bad or it is just compatible with certain CDs. Anyone know how I can find out?

which player(s) do you own? I noticed that around 2003 some record companies jumped onto the watermarking bandwagon, which did affect CD playback, on certain machines. The term DRM via Sony also was exposed in a similar context. Otherwise, depending on the age of your player, failure of the laser or lubrication of the drive/transport could be occurring.
Happy Listening!