Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs

I really love the idea of the Vandersteen Subs where they are connected with the mains via extra speaker cable off right and left channels off the main amplifier, which is supposed to provide better bass transition from the mains while keeping the signature from the main amplifier. My question is with Vandersteen coming out with the SUB THREE and the price going significantly higher, I was wondering if there are other subs for less that you could integrate in the same way. (Most subs seem to rely on the line level input which is just a sub-woofer RCA going from the pre-amp to the amp on the sub). Can this same Vandersteen set-up be achieved with other subs?
I picked Rythmik since they are known (in the home theater community anyway) for being one of the best bang for the buck subs and the most "musical" of the bunch. (between Hsu, SVS, PSA).
And could I possibly achieve even greater sub-woofer nirvana since I could get an 18" for around $1500? Vandies only have 3 eight inchers.

I am a Vandersteen fanboy and I would like to support RV whenever I can, but don’t know much about my other sub-woofer options so looking for some feedback. Doesn’t even have to be related to Rythmik necessarily. If you know of other subs that can integrate the same way I want to know about it!

@tyray - When my system was working properly (until last September), I would often crank it. Having a basement Man Cave and a solid old house means I can crank it whenever I want. The 2Wqs work the way a good sub should - they are invisible, and unintrusive, just making it seem like your mains are putting out gobs of deep, clean bass when there is bass in the music. Take some Bjork tracks, crank the volume up, and sit there with a silly grin on your face as the bass pressurizes the room (this is with a pair of 2Wqs, btw). Yes, you will have to batten down anything that can rattle in your room, as light fixtures and other small items will vibrate when there are loud bass notes in the signal. Even with all that output, they never muddy up the upper bass, mid or treble. To me, the 2Wqs are the Goldilocks of subwoofers under $2K apiece. That’s why I am trying so desperately to get everything working again rather than scrapping the 2Wqs for more conventional subs.
Take some Bjork tracks, crank the volume up, and sit there with a silly grin on your face as the bass pressurizes the room (this is with a pair of 2Wqs, btw).
When I crank just my 2C's I already get the silly grin. I imagine if I hooked up a pair of 2wqs, the grin might turn into a permanent deformity :0

Rythmik Audio warranty:
5 years warranty on driver and 2 (or is it 3?) years on electronics.
30 day satisfaction guarantee.
Customers pay for returns.

Rythmik Audio dealer(s):
As far as I can tell, only 1
1062 Calle Negocio Suite G
San Clemente, CA 92673

Vandersteen warranty:
1 year warranty, however Vandersteen subwoofers are known to last for decades without any problems.
For returns see below.

Vandersteen dealers:
Are all over the US

I have no doubt that the AudioKinesis Swarm Subwoofer System sounds just as glorious as Tim describes, but for me and just me I don’t have the realestate (Tim you lucky guy!) nor do I like speakers with sharp edges as my bare feet, toes, shins, calves and when I may have little ones over, somehow are drawn to sharp edges like a magnet!

I stand corrected - as far as having dealers or 1 place for manufacturing the subs for also being the place to send for repairs, Vandersteen has dealers spread out over the US. Hence you can throw your subs in your vehicle and drive to the dealer for any repair work and save a heck of a lot of shipping cost and worry from shipping! You also can audition those SUB THREE subs before purchasing too! To me, Vandersteen wins again, hands down.

Vandersteen has a five year warranty on their speakers and subs as long as you send in the special warranty card within the allotted time after purchase.