Oppo 205 and external DAC?

My goal is to utilize the balanced output of the Oppo but the amplifier(PL Dialogue HP) has unbalanced inputs. 

Excluding the modification route.

What external DAC would offer an improvement in SQ over the inboard Oppo DAC? Also with balanced connections, then of course switching to unbalanced from the dac to the PL.

I use my Oppo 95 balanced XLR connected to Sennheiser HDVA600 balanced. It is a super combination, super dynamic and balanced tone. Except the Oppo fan, the overall noise is very low.
I'm running my 205 into the Bryston BDA-3.  I bought the Bryston almost purely to test what differences there might be.  The differences are very subtle (as I believe most digital sources to be) but noticeable.  The two DACs are similar enough that I have contemplated selling the Bryston and just using the OPPO.  It's been about 2 months of solid breaking in and extensive A/B'ing with level matched volumes.  The Bryston is a bit more clean, clear, and natural to my ears.  Supposedly the Bryston also re-clocks the signals it's fed, so I wonder if what audioengineer said above about the OPPO needing re-clocking is correct in this case.
Maybe I'm missing something but why would you use the analog out as opposed to the digital output to an external DAC?  Sounds like a formula for degraded performance. 
205 DAC is very good and it has XLR line out. I even think the 105(D) is even better  since it has the Tidal streamer, Netflix, and Berlin philharmonic digital concert hall app build in except the 4K.
Hi Jimmy,

How are you connecting your 205 to the BDA-3? I have the same combination. 
