To VPI TT users, please provide your experience

Having just recently, 2 weeks ago, aquired a upgraded Prime Scout ( 10.5i tonearm, classic 20lb platter, VTA base) I'm wondering how long the drive belt is useable. I actually use it 3 to 4 hours daily on average letting the music take me away.
With such I assume to be heavy useage I'm concerned that I would be best off by having a spare belt available. At what time should I start looking and where can I purchase a spare?
Your insights and knowledge are always helpful. Thanks

Gillatgh:  Ive had a VPI Scoutmaster for a couple of years and keep meaning to buy a spare belt, but haven't. One thing I do, is give the platter a spin, while turning on the motor. This makes for less wear on the belt, when then motor first starts. 
You can revive a VPI belt by boiling in water for a few minutes and re-talcing.

You might also try one of the thread methods.  I sometimes use a silk thread sprayed with adhesive.  Works great.