CD players = dead?

From an audiophile, sound quality perspective are CD players obsolete? Can a CD player offer better performance than an audio server / streamer? 
One of the main reasons I bought the SA-10 was when I auditioned it at home for 5 days, I was able to play my 5 disk changers through it and the sound was nearly as good as the SA-10 playing the CD. Plus the CD playback was as good as SACD, without the odd 'no room present' of so many SACDs. (so all the ambience remained, even though the SA-10 turns it all to DSD to play it.)
With that I was sold.
So I can use changers to wear out daily playtime, and save the SA-10 disc drive to play only when I really want the last possible ounce of perfection.
The SA-10 really does do digital better, Particularly the high frequencies and upper mids, plus better impact all frequencies, and solid edges of notes)  even from a second hand changer via Toslink.
Elizabeth nice acquisition. My experience differed last week. I listened to the SA10 for the first time at CarltonAudio in Melbourne. It was nice if rather squashed processed sound. Heard with nice cables and the PM10 through a pair of PMC Twenty5 26. Then I listened to an Acoustic Research Reference CD9. I found that unit significantly more open and transparent. It was much nicer to listen to. We changed out the PM10 fearing that was part of the compression experience. It was and the new amp was another step in a better direction. The quest continues.
Subscribe to Tidal $20/month. $1000 will last you for 5 years. CD player is dead unofficially.