What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

@supertweak. Yours is the best post on this thread (and there are some great posts on this thread) that I have read and in my opinion, by a country mile!

To say that I couldn’t agree with you more would be an understatement!

I think you just summed up the whole problem with the HEA hobby and the main reason why most youngsters are not buying into it...well done!!

Doesn’t explain the recent lowering of activity on the used market, ( at least I suspect not),but it sure explains the overall lack of interest in the younger gen.
+1000 on your post.

no offense intended but the contention from some that the high end is suffering because there isn’t much for sale on audiogon or better still, because they cant sell their technics or onkyo amp at 75% of retail is not convincing. If you observe economic theory properly, the absence of salable inventory on the used market indicates a robust environment. In the old days of audiogon, the sold items would stay posted for a while which gave everyone an idea of what was happening. Now, unless you are watching closely, an item can be listed and sold and then disappear in 10 minutes.
The hot items are contact paste, fuses and tin foil hats. The high end is that tally on fire!!!
shadorne, just curious, have you tried pasting your tin foil hat with Graphene yet? 

Not sure where you are looking, but if it is on this site, there appears to be plenty of selection and 'inventory' available. 
While I totally agree with you that pricing is the number 1 determinant of how quickly something is going to sell, I also know that several of my fiends who have tried to sell their gear recently on this site and the few others that are utilized for used sales, have experienced a long drawn out process with little success. OTOH, was their price too high...probably. One guy did give his speaker cables away ( his comment, not mine) for 10% of the retail price that he paid less than a year before!
( Perhaps he paid way too much to begin with....that would be my thought; although he adamantly disputes that).