What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 
Might want to try Rob Fritz’s Audio Art cables. Great construction quality and a nice evenly balanced SQ. 
I've had great results from Clarus Crimson HC power cords for my amps and Kimber PK-14 Palladian for the other components. 
Flyby?  OP??  You still out there somewhere???  Anyway...

+2 Cullen Cables for your budget. Take advantage of free trial. And yes, power distribution is VERY important. Here’s a very simple and popular power distribution strip that doesn’t have any crap in it to muck up sound...


Best of luck.

My whole system is Shunyata... Sigma Digital for my cd player, Sigma HC for my amp , King Cobra CX for my preamp. All with outstanding results. Would never change them. 
xenon, don’t know what you will end up with, but to this day I have probably 10 power cords laying around that I occasionally put back in my system as I change it, to hear the difference they make. A few, I am glad I still have, others I’m not. There is no definitive answer to your question for an excellent cord. Audition -Audition-- I researched my ass off years back and tried many kinds of cables at $500 and under, both new and used (from Synergistic Research to VH Audio, to Shunyata to WireWorld etc. What may be excellent with my stereo on any given piece of gear may be only average or worse on a given piece within your stereo system. To play in this arena, you shoot craps and gamble and try and listen and sell and return and listen some more.