Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M

I have just begun assembling my audio system. I bought a Shindo Monbrison and Shindo Montrachet preamp/amp combo and am using the new Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have rediscovered analog and prefer it to CD/digital for now. I was looking to upgrade my inexpensive turntable, but my dealer thinks that changing the speakers might be better. He suggests the new Avalon Indras.

Any thoughts

Thanks for the info. Very helpful.
The story goes like this.
Upon getting the system (which cost a pretty penny), I wanted to upgrade my turntable, since I really listen these to only vinyl. So they really thought that a Brinkmann Balance or Lagrange would be the way to go. However, they would likely equal the cost of my system to date!

So, I looked at other turntables available that would be a bit moree economical for now, but Clearaudios, VPI, and Avids did not really float my boat.

So, I listened to the Indra, which made my cheap turntable sound better. The feeling was the upgrade to the speakers would offer a higher upgrade in sound than an in-between turntable solution. The plan being to gradually upgrade the turntable next year.

And, given that vinyl is really enjoying a renaissance, superior turntable designs will likely re-emerge at perhapos a lower price than today (maybe wishful thinking). I am also a vinyl newbie so I will take a bit of time before I get a final table.

What I wanted to know is simply if the Indras a re vastly superior to the Cremona M.


I have heard the Eidolon and the Cremona M and I liked the Cremona M better. The Cremona M fixes everything the old Cremona couldn't do or lacked. Avalon's are so damn picky on room and location it could or could not work when you get them home.
Thanks Mtdking.

I did not expect an answer such as that! I will take it into account. I will demo the Indra's at home compared to the Sonus Faber's. If it is merely a question of sonic presentation, I will probably keep the Sonus'.

I second Mtdking's comments. I just got rid of my Avalon Eidolons after 3 weeks because when I got them home I discovered they are very particular to room placement. I found (among other things) they need to sit out from the rear wall at least 5-6 feet. Any closer and they close up. However once I found their spot they were special. Just didn't work for my living room which is the listening area. I've heard the Indras and they are better however I bet just as finicky. If you have a flexible room and you are willing to treat it, the Indras will be great. Funny but your dealers comments sound like the dealer in Denver. He would say you could consider changing components in your system but why bother, what you really need to do is switch to Avalon speakers.
Thanks for the heads up. The dealer is going to come to my house and demo the Indras so I can A B the cremona M with it.

I`ll let you guys know how it went.
