Tidal does not post the cost to buy a song or an album on their site

Seeking to find out about streaming. I know Tidal charges $19.99 per month for listening to  high fidelity music on their site. But what if you want to purchase a song or an album? What is the cost?  There is no phone customer service phone number  that I could find to call and inquire. They do provide "Answers to frequently Asked Questions". I am surprised that nobody has asked the cost to purchase a song or an album. If I missed the information I have requested, would appreciate if somebody who used Tidal could provide assistance.  Thank you.  
Signing up for TIDAL is easy.  You go to the website, click on "Start Free Trial", arrange payment, create user name and password, and you are done.  Pretty standard process.  If you don't like it or find yourself not using it, then sign in to your TIDAL account and cancel your subscription.

Their business model is based on the efficiency of a standardized UEX, and they need to minimize personalized support.  You can contact them through the "FAQ" section of the web site.
They don't need to minimize personalized support.
This is their choice to increase their profits.
If people accept e mail only, that is their choice.
Frequently asked questions is a poor substitute for a person that
can truly help you. 
Good Lord, man, get with the program.  It isn't that hard.  Trolling, on the other hand, is easy.  

On a broader level:  You never really owned the music.  The writer and publisher own the composition.  The label owns the master.  You never have more than what is in effect a license to play the master, either paid in full, as with a traditional purchase, or paid on an ongoing basis, as with TIDAL and other streaming services.
Don't understand why you need to talk to someone. Personally I prefer doing business when I DON'T have to talk to someone. Why would you want to buy music when you can stream it at any time? Your arguments aren't really making sense. If you don't like TIDAL then go back to i-tunes.
Like many others, I find Tidal to be a phenomenal deal. I love the fact that for $20/month I get such a wide variety of hi-fi quality music. Thanks to Tidal and this forum, I have discovered all sorts of new artists I might never have found.

Some people, like the OP, need the personal touch - a knowledgeable phone rep to hold your hand and explain the finer points. Frankly, to me, the less human interaction needed, the better. With the right online resources, I’ll solve whatever my problem is on my own with less time and energy than what goes into a typical customer service phone call. It sounds like the OP doesn’t like the "social contract" of online business. We give you low prices and high value, but the cost will be attentive personal service. Few online businesses can afford to provide all three of those and still be profitable.

As for "purchasing" music. I just buy the CD used on Amazon. It costs about the same, or cheaper, and then I have my own physical copy to do with what I want.