Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M

I have just begun assembling my audio system. I bought a Shindo Monbrison and Shindo Montrachet preamp/amp combo and am using the new Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have rediscovered analog and prefer it to CD/digital for now. I was looking to upgrade my inexpensive turntable, but my dealer thinks that changing the speakers might be better. He suggests the new Avalon Indras.

Any thoughts

I agree with Hulskof.

I initially auditioned the previous Cremona floorstanders and was blown over by their warmth and engaging personality. I had compared them to a Verity Audio Fidelio and there was no contest. I preferred them even to the higher models of JM labs. They were "not boring".

I ended up with the new Cremona M's and they were definitely moer neutral, less "rumbly"...Maybe even more precise.

I went from a Harmon Kardon solid state receiver to a Shindo all tube setup and they became very seductive...
I have auditioned the Avalon Indras finally.

Here are my thoughts.

Firstly , I think that Sonus Faber may be a little generous with their sensitivity. The 87 db Indra feel louder than the Sonus faber by a healthy margin.

The cremona M is a great speaker;especially the beautiful midrange. It's bass, as always could be better but is more than adequate. It is coherent . It is slightly rolled off and pleasant. While listening, you feel the performance and do not appear to be too concerned with minor details.

The Avalon Indra feels like a veil is lifted off the Sonus Faber! Coherent, holographic, great bass extension. Sweet midrange as well; less "soft" than the Sonus Faber's. I would say that both are very good with personal preferences taking precedence over which is "better".
The musical experience is "more" It is not boring to listen too and yet is relaxing as well.

This is truly a marvelous speaker. For what it is worth, I listened to a Wilson Watt/Puppy 8 on a far more expensive system (Shindo and Brinkmann Balance) and my humble system with these speakers were more enjoyable and engaging. I think these speakers are "better" than the Wilsons.

I have heard Pro Ac's D80...not in the same league. I have also heard JM labs Electra 1027, 1037, and Altos. Dynaudio as well.

I have not heard anything in this league. WOW. I am sold. I am going to exchange my Cremona's for the Indras!

Further update.

My wife, who over the last year has become annoyed with my researching of equipment, keeps saying "stupid sound system stuff".

Upon listening to the Indras, she said, they sound much better than the Sonus Faber's. Also, she said, "What, the Italians are lyng about audio equipment too?" (She is Italian from the same region as Sonus Fabe, and she was referring to the Brunello di Montalcino controversy).

So there you have it.

Congratulations with your sound improvements. Glad to see the Indra performes better, as it should do with that price difference. I guess the Cremona's profit more from a high powered solid state amplifier with their low and whimsical impedance. Your tubegear just might not bring out the best in them.
I totally agree with you. In the product information pamphlet, Sonus recommends a high quality amplifier that does not necessarily mean more power. However, these are not the first Italian speakers I have heard that like power. I had listened to Diapason's Diamante and they too were not nearly as romantic without solid state amplification behind them.

However, given my unexpected penchant for tubes, the Sonus were the wrong match...I had initially demoed them with Ayre electronics, but something about those amplifiers left me a bit "nervous" or jittery after a listening session.

It is all really subjective, but I can only highly recommend an audition with the Indras.
