Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers

Since I now own the Carver Raven 350 amps, I have become very interested in the Carver Amazing Line Source speakers. But I have not been able to actually hear them.
Can anyone who has heard them comment as to the sound quality?

Thank you

Thank you for that info. I appreciate it.
There was a review in 2015 in Absolute Sound that really praised the speakers but not much since then.


@ozzy ,

I heard them at CAF. Bob had huge room. It was a big sound but overall I wasn’t impressed or just did not appeal to me. I didn’t hang out in there too long so maybe I didnt hear a real quality recording.
Thanks lancelock

Could you describe the sound a little more? Was the soundstage tilted up or too thin sounding?

@ozzy  I believe there was some positive show coverage from  the recent Axpona (going off memory, so I may be wrong). Here is a video: