Beware the audio guru

There are a few contributors to these forums who apparently see themselves as gurus. They speak in absolutes, using words such as "always" and "never." They make pronouncements about products or techniques they’ve never heard or experienced, justifying their conclusions because contrary claims are "impossible" or "snake oil." Those who disagree are accused of being "deluded," or suffering some insurmountable bias, or attempting to further some commercial agenda. On occasion, they have taunted detractors with an appeal that they engage in a wager - one guy wanted $25,000 cash up front and an agreement drafted by lawyers. Another offered 5-to-1 odds.

I am not going to tell you who to believe. But for anyone who might be uncertain about sorting out conflicting claims here, I suggest they consider the behavior of experts in other fields. No good doctor offers a 100 percent guarantee on any treatment or surgical procedure, even if medical science suggests success. No good attorney will tell you that you have a case that positively can’t be lost, even if the law appears to be on your side. No true professional will insult you for the questions you ask, or abandon you if you seek a second opinion.

A doctor conducts his own tests. An engineer makes his own measurements. Neither will insist the burden of documentation falls upon you.

These might be details to consider as you sift through the many conflicting claims made on Audiogon. In short: Decide for yourself. Don’t let other people tell you how to think, or listen.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds
Talking about a "Whoa"as you spell it.In a recent post of yours you say and I quote,"Its harder for a rich man to get good sound than a camel to go through the eye of a needle."Really??? So according to you all those people with Gryphon,Pass,Audio Research,Solution,Audio Note etc.have little chance huh? Clint Eastwood I know has expensive Rockport equipment.Can't he get good sound either? Maybe he's not as smart a guy as you, huh? Maybe all those Cowboy shows and Dirty Harry movies were for naught.After a stament like that I Don't believe anyone would ever take anything you say on here seriously.All those people have great sound.That is,  on the planet that the rest of us reside on. Are you here to steer people wrong and make fun of them.I don't know what you think you are proving by repeatedly pasting stuff from my listings onto your listings and then making a negative comment at the bottom.Do you think that other people are thinking "what a smart guy you are" over that, or do you think they are thinking "what a "world class" you know what you are and "the gall of him".If you paste another thing from my post onto your post I will contact Audiogon and I bet you won't try it again.If there is a God looking down I'm sure he would greatly  appreciate you not taking liberties with what he had to say either.

Calm down, supertweak, the reason I cut and paste your quotes is so you and others reading will see what I’m responding to and why. Otherwise folks would have to figure out the particular post, I’m responding to. It might be buried way down the page by the time I get around to responding, should I choose to respond. Capish?
Congrats tweak, your first post was deleted, you are off to a good start!
Notice how easy that is to read, you know with actual spaces between punctuation and everything ...
Most, or all of these people commenting on my grammar, which is at least quite good, are obviously friends of the above.Nobody really thinks that all these characters are really so concerned about someone's grammar and syntax.They are obviously his buddies or himself under a 2nd username concerned over making somebody a fool. I've bought hundreds and hundreds of items on ebay etc.After this I've decided I will stick to that.When people like him lose Audiogon  enough people like me, your amps and speakers take a hell of a lot longer time to sell, if they ever will. I think its called shooting yourself in the foot and others too.The whole (Audiogon)actually suffers over ones like him.Like I say if something isn't fun I head elsewhere.I am never traumatized in the least over world class.....I know who I am and insecure idiots who like to make fun of people Don't change a thing with me.Its a GOOD LIFE and it will stay that way.I make good decisions.

Re:dill.My first post was doing fine until some person with multiple identities on here caused somebody to cuss.Wrong again with you.Are you ever correct on anything? It must be hard.

RE:Geoffkait.So you paste a whole paragraph of someone else's to give you the opportunity to do your >>>> insulting one liner remarks after the arrows thing.Sounds about as believable as OJ Simpson's innocence years later after he and his buddies raided the sports store with a bunch of deadly weapons.Yeah right.