Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

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@slaw Just curious if you think Photo-Flo really adds anything to the party.  I eliminated it after shifting from IPA to Versaclean.  Versaclean's principal ingredient is Linear Alcohol Ethoxylate, an excellent surfactant.  Photo-Flo would seem to be redundant. 
benjie-Why do you think Isonic chose such high temperatures?  They would warp the record and melt the grooves at 5 minutes at 140 degrees or thereabouts.  Maybe Kirmuss is smarter by lowering his temps.  Also, other's have commented that 35Khz is too low and that it should be 80Khz.  My friends tell me that lower is better...  This is making a decision more complicated.   I'm almost ready to buy a Monks or Loricraft record cleaning machine which I've used and liked but were too expensive prior to my purchasing the VPI.
No idea why they would have the temperature that high. The Kirmuss unit does not have heater at all. As for the 35 khz,  most units designed for vinyl are between 35 and 40 khz, klaudio and audio desk are good examples. There is a lot of debate on how many khz are required to clean vinyl properly without doing any damage to the record. Like I said earlier I am happy with the Isonic unit,  I think it does a find job cleaning the vinyl.
Having jumped in with both feet recently back in to vinyl, including purchasing a nice turntable, I’ve been starting to investigate record cleaning.

My problem is I’m lazy. Or, at least, uninterested in adding record cleaning as a chore.

I enjoy everything about taking out an album and putting it on - part of the experience. But almost every single record cleaning technique I’ve looked at has been off-putting, an chore added to the experience, and I’m not into vinyl for adding more chores to my life. interest in some of the do-it-all ultrasonic cleaners.

I don't now if this new US cleaner has been mentioned somewhere in this thread, but I have a feeling one of these are in my future:

So far, stellar reviews from beta testers.

I really like the drop it in, push a button, walk away and it cleans/dries the record aspect. That’s something I’m willing to pay for.
I do not think I have seen that one mentioned anywhere Prof
But $2600?
I am lazy too but not THAT