Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!

Hey all,

As someone who hasn't been reading the audiophile press for all that long, I stumbled upon this article that I'm sure it lit up these airwaves when it was first published:

It's a great article and one that any knowledgeable person would most likely agree with, but hey, spending your own hard-earned (or inherited) money is a right and a privilege.  Art does call out some brands that he perceives to give great value:  AMVR, VPL, Conrad-Johnson, DeVore and Harbeth and Kimber and Peachtree and Quicksilver and Rega and Rogue and Spendor and Wavelength.  Shouldn't NAD be on this list?  

But what he doesn't do and I think is warranted, is name the companies that are most egregious in selling high-end products where the performance is far below the cost.  

I, for one, would love to see a list of those manufacturers from the people who read this forum.  You can group them by what they manufacture or just put them in order as you see fit.  I think it would be most helpful in calling b.s. but with "added-value", which is what this whole article was all about.  Right?

@mrdecibel thank you for your memories of the 1996 Stereophile Show. Have no idea why I didn’t head up, but I certainly wish I was there. I did get my first Jadis within 2 years of that.

I’ll guess your friend is Victor Goldstein? Supposedly, a fabulous fellow.  His time of heading up Jadis in North America was the golden age for the brand here.  In fact, most of the products in use even today came in during his time
@trelja  Victor is as nice a guy you could ever meet. A great salesman ( not like the old type car salesman ). Charming, passionate, and a real lover of music / equipment. Enjoy ! MrD.
 I did not notice this before, but of all the members on Audiogon, look who posted consecutively right after my response above. None other than Geoffkait and of all people hifiman5. Seems like they know each other pretty well too. The only time something sarcastic wasn't tossed my way by them. I think I will take a picture of it.The "lets make people out to be a fool team."On my very first Discussion Post as a new member on here, here is how hifiman5 welcomed me to Audiogon and I quote. "We are so honored to be in your presence"."What a fine mind you have to enlighten the great unwashed with your wisdom."If only I could be that profound.some day.""Oh well a guy can only hope.."."You are oh so very noble and impressive to yourself". His words... and you guys wonder why your equipment does not sell so quickly on here lately.They chase away the newbies on here who are eager to buy.You probably recognize those words from somewhere.I am not the only one on here he tried his dambdest to make a fool of.In fact it seems like over the years II've read that line by him numerous times.What a real prize of a guy,huh? A real tale from the dark side.They chase away the newbies.What next, stealing from babies?
  GeoffKait's often repeated statement on here that "a rich man has about as much chance of audio nirvana as a camel going through the eye of a needle."Maybe he has this all figured out, but if  high end manufacturers ever decided  to sue him left and right for slander,can you imagine how easy it would be and how conclusive the verdict.All they would have to do is bring their rather expensive equipment into the courtroom and turn it on. I'm sure the judge would be impressed, but it might be hard to prove damages unless they can prove he is influential..What Kait does have going for him and you can look this up on the internet, is that he has been called a fraud a con artist and a charlatan perhaps more than anyone ever in audio.For iinstance on this one thing (of many) it said you pay money to him to make a phone call to his enterprise, and over the phone they emit a series of clickky noises, they come right out of your telephone and is supposed to result in improved sound quality for your stereo.I think I 'll just have my grandmother hang up on me a few times in a row.This is the guy who stalked my posts on here and kept "Pasting" paragraphs from my responses onto his posts with an insulting patronization comment at the bottom each time.Still looking to make a fool of someone now?