Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers

Since I now own the Carver Raven 350 amps, I have become very interested in the Carver Amazing Line Source speakers. But I have not been able to actually hear them.
Can anyone who has heard them comment as to the sound quality?

Thank you
I heard them at RMAF last year and wasn't expecting much since the room was very small.  Contrary to my expectations, they sounded amazing.  If I were to start my system over, I'd strongly consider getting them over my Magnepan 3.7i's.
Hi guys,
No commercial blather here bragging about performance (I'm Frank Malitz, partner and CEO of the Bob Carver Corp). Never believe anyone; listen for yourself.

Instead, I have a few comments about the shows we attend and our unusual policies. Also, just a little note to let you know that we do have a small but growing dealer network but yes, we will pay for a qualified individual to visit my home in Chicago or to our facility in Washington state for a relaxed, extended and fun-filled listening session. Simply call me at 847-668-4519. We don't bite and there's never any pressure. Call even if you need help with a defective product designed by Bob Carver of any of his past brands or models. It's our hobby too--just like you.

While all manufacturers believe in their product, we put our money where our mouths are--tube warranties from five years on our new entry-level power amp to 15 years on our mid-priced amps to lifetime on our biggest monoblocs along with free trips to prove our mettle! As you know, other fine tube-amp manufacturers warrant their tubes for a mere three months! I believe Prima Luna gives six months due to their innovative circuitry. Still, five years on our $2500 tube amp, including tubes? Not too shabby. Never re-tube again!
In case you didn't notice, we do not use any room treatment at any demo despite having 36-drivers pointing the wrong way! We also do not use MQA, Hi-Res, SACD or any after-market or digital room correction. We just want it to sound like it does in one's normal home listening to music you enjoy--no audiophile-only recordings.

We've exhibited in the smalllest rooms (2018 Axpona and RMAF) to huge grand ballrooms (Capital Audio Fest, NY show at the Park Lane or the giant double-room in Bangkok) but never complain or make excuses about acoustics. Again, we know we are all limited by our dwellings so why try to fool the public at HiFi shows?

I'll make no performance claims. That's for you to decide.

Peace and Harmony to all.
A little thin? If there's anything we're guilty of, it's too much low end, especially if Bob's there. He LOVES big bass. Fortunately,it's completely adjustable, of course.We're like kids with car audio. Can't help but kick a little ass. Please accept my apologies; a bit too much bottom, but thin? We're flat to the low '20s at very high levels.

The demos vary from cut to cut and we play about 60 selections to provide variety. Stick around next time and be sure to ask for an ass-kicking cut.

Sorry about the vulgarity but I'm from Chicago.
sweetness and quality of sound may turn into nightmare of maintenance of these amazing speakers. 

Thank you for your comments.


I'm not sure I follow your comments.
