Best of the best Integrated amps in 2018

I'm starting this new thread to talk about the Uber integrated amps available today on the market.Here i'm talking about integrated amps that can easily equal in performance $30K worth of separates and above.A list of them that i can think of :

D'Agostino Momentum integrated, Jeff Rowland Daemon, Vitus MP-I201, Vitus RI-101, Bel Canto Black, Pass INT-250, Gryphon Diablo 300, T+A PA 3100 HV, McIntosh MA9000, Ypsilon Phaeton, Soulution 530, CH Precision Integrated, Audionet Watt, Audionet Stern-Heisenberg Integrated (to be released), Esoteric P-03A, Dartzeel CTH-8550, Boulder 865, Audio Research GSI 75 and others.
Please share your experience if you have auditioned or own some of these amazing machines.
The Absolare Integrated (with Altius upgrade that takes it to a stratospheric level) is, to date, the most musical integrated I have ever heard. It makes sound live and breathe with a physical presence in your room. Almost scary occasionally. A very original recipe for sound that combines something I have only heard from 4 watt per channel tube mono blocs and something I have only heard from $40K+ of solid state separates to create a new experience. I hope they get more attention in the North American market so I can hear others' responses.
I love my Raven Reflection MK2 Integrated tube amp with around 72WPC.  It costs 10K.  It it an absolute showpiece for anyone who comes into my house.  It is made in Texas.  The owner, Dave Thompson has some of the best old tubes that money can buy.  And finally, and most importantly it drives my Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers like a symphony.  
I spent a lot of time trying to decide on an integrated amp. First I was going to get the Pass INT 250 & was set on that. Then I was going to get the Gryphon Diablo 300. Liked both well. Then I heard the T+A PA 3000HV and bought the T+A. Absolutely no regrets, phenomenal with my system. The Pass is well built, but the T+A is extremely well built. Highly recommended. 
Close your eyes and go for ypsilon will not regret one is on sale in Sweden demo unit and price is good too