Best value Bookshelf speaker

I'm trying to decide which bookshelf speaker to acquire. I just purchased a Bob Carver Dominator 8 Sub which seems good. Will hook it up to an old Audio Research D90 and SP-12 pre-amp (tube/SS hybrids). I have a pair of JSE floor speakers that have Dynaudio drivers and have always loved them, but now are too big for my new room- it's a marriage thing!

I've listened to Dynaudio Focus and Vienna Acoustic Haydns and both sounded nice. The VA salesperson said he did head to head comp w/Dynaudio and the VA's were superior.

Any thoughts from anyone?

TAS reviewed the new NHT classic three and spoke very highly of them. I can't think of too many three way bookshelf speakers currently available for $1k.
I just bought some era Design 5s and really like them. They have small, beautifully-finished, cabinets, but sound great (bigger than their size would suggest, and you can always add the matching sub if you want deeper bass).
In my food chain have been SF Concertinos, Dynaudio 1.1,s,
Taylor Ref's, Silverline SR17's, Dzurko Jaguars (wonderful speakers), and Gershman X1's and to my taste and PRICE the Gershmans were a very nice surprise and sound. I also have a Selah audio MTM and then things really went way up the ladder. Enjoy as many as possible! I don't now if I will ever reach the peak!
Merlin TSM. They aren't cheap, but you will stop looking. Bobby has the best customer service possible.