Turning the volume up

Hi. I'm new to analog and just purchased a Mobile Fidelity Ultradeck table. After completing my set up and putting on my first album i find i really need to turn the volume knob up much higher than when  I'm  listening to my digital source. Do I have a compatibility problem with my phono stage and cartridge?   
  I'm using a Belles Aria integrated amp. 


Thanks everyone for responding.

dweller- good point, unfortunately I found out the hard way. It happened yesterday and scared the s..t out of me. 
I use this outboard attenuator on my CDP to lower the volume to match my phono. You are better off using the volume in the upper range of the dial on your preamp. BTW, between 12 and 1 is perfect!
The standard for consumer gear had been 0.5 volt output.So all phono, tape, FM radio gear was generally at the 0.5 volt output. And we all lived happy. Then came CD. And for some unknown reason, CD manufacturers decided to NOT use the consumer standard, but used the 2.0volt professional standard.
So ever since all digital sources have been much louder than the other sources. Few preamps adjust for this, and actually most preamp/amp combos have too much gain for some digital sources..