Finally took the Bryston 4B Cubed plunge

Back in January, I solicited folks on the forum for input on the Bryston 4B cubed amp. I was kicking around the idea of replacing my Parasound A21 amp. After dealing with poor health for the past few months, I finally did it! My take on the Bryston is: it's a keeper. It is a better sounding amp than my A21, but by only a very small margin. The Bryston gives the feel of being in a concert hall. An extremely full sounding amp with great detail and there's more emphasis on instrument placement than I've experienced before. The bass doesn't suffer at all either, very tight and clear. In comparison only to the two amps I'm discussing, if the Bryston were a "10", the Parasound would be a close "9". If I were to improve on my system (God forbid, I already have $35K into it), the 4B cubed would definitely be driving it. A premium solid state amp. 
To all the the forum members that were willing to guide me with their opinions, I give a heartfelt thanks. My previous posts (inquiries) were met with sincerity and am grateful that none of the discussion went off the rails. A few members contacted me personally, some I couldn't respond to. I didn't try to ignore anyone, there's simply a downside to old age and a weak heart.
jafant,It appears that know and have a passion for audio equipment. At the risk of taking my own thread off on a tangent, what kind of equipment are you using?
Also tangential, I spent $7000 on a Marantz SA-10 to get slightly better sound over a used paid $250 DAC I had.
That is life in audiophilidom.I own a Bryston 4B-SST² and have had it for about 8 years now.I almost bought a pair of 7B3's.. but decided to buy the new DAC instead.My 4B-SST² sounds fine with the 20.7 Magnepans I bought a few months ago.
I think you entered into a discussion on Bryston that I started a few months ago,welcome back! I have maybe 50 hours on the 4B Cubed now and I like it, I like it a lot. It's a bigger improvement over the Parasound A21 than I previously stated. No more hidden detail, better sound stage, just a more pleasant listening experience. Now I'm thinking about Revel Ultima Studio2 speakers and maybe adding a tube phono preamp. Somebody help me before my credit card melts! =) I think you were trying to teach me a lesson by mentioning your Marantz SA-10 purchase, I hear you. The perfect fantasy musical sound swirling in my head has not drowned out your voice.
A fun and wonderful passion indeed -professorsvsuI am in the process of putting together my system. I hope to finalize it by the end of the year. All will surround my beloved Thiel CS 2.4SE loudspeakers.As Elizabeth can attest, the Marantz SA-10 is on my list for CD/SACD playback. I bought my speakers from a gentleman that had a Bryston 4B-SST 2 and BP-26 preamp combination. I would like to hear a "cubed" amp to rule in/rule out this brand. For me, it is all about the Audio journey. Taking my time and auditioning lines.Happy Listening!
Everytime you come into the the conversation I smile. It's a real pleasure reading what you have to say and the way you say it. On a different note (pun intended), what about the ModWright upgrade on an 8005 SACD player? You mentioned this earlier and I shared the same thoughts for months before I pulled the proverbial trigger on BCD-3 player. I don't own many SACDs (they're all hybrids) and the platform seems to be dying. ModWright boasts about SACD playback improvement more than Redbook CD, so I made the choice that I did.