Turning the volume up

Hi. I'm new to analog and just purchased a Mobile Fidelity Ultradeck table. After completing my set up and putting on my first album i find i really need to turn the volume knob up much higher than when  I'm  listening to my digital source. Do I have a compatibility problem with my phono stage and cartridge?   
  I'm using a Belles Aria integrated amp. 


2 volt output on digital sources is a curse! One volt would be much more useful and still capable of driving most amps to full output!
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think @elizabeth is referring to the AC voltage required to produce 1 mV of power peak-to-peak.

Nope. Elizabeth is referring to what "full range output" means. That is, the maximum output from a CD player via fixed RCA outputs was decided to be 2V.

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