Getting into Tube Equipment

Hey there,

I have been gradually getting into vinyl and hi-fi for a while now. I mostly listen to folk, country, and some bluesy-rock music. Examples include the Grateful Dead, Sturgill Simpson, John Denver, and the Tedeschi Trucks Band.

I have been forward thinking about audio equipment I would like to have in the future. The components I am most eager to upgrade are my amp and phono preamp. For the amp, I am very interested in one of the Dynaco clones people are selling like the ST-70, ST-120 or the M-125 by Bob Latino. However, my first order of business will have to be getting a phono preamp with a volume control because these amps do not have a volume control. I would like to preface, I am not independently wealthy and do not expect to be in my life. Therefore, a $12,000 stereo setup does not seem like a reasonable option for me.

Can anyone please give me direction on either getting a Pro-Ject Tube Box DS or a used EAR 834P?

Additionally, If I could get some direction on an amp, it would be useful. Right now I own the Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary speakers and I really love them. The only thing I can see upgrading to is a pair of used Harbeth Super hl5plus speakers but this would be in the more distant future. Based on what I currently have and will be using for awhile, as well as my future considerations, are any of the amps I am considering a best fit? 

Glad to see you're familiar with the VTA amps from Bob Latino.  I run their SP-13 preamp because their board is just small enough to allow their PH-12 phono board in the same chassis.  I have no place to work on something like that in my house, so had them make it up for me.  Cost me $1500 built, tested and shipped to my door.  The SP-13 uses the Aikido circuit.  I've had the opportunity to compare it a number of other preamps and it's a real winner.

The PH-12 phono board is dead silent and won't disappoint.
I own the Raven Integrated Reflection amp and absolutely love it.  I think an integrated tube amp with your budget will allow you to maximize your system.  Check out the Raven Audio website.  Call Dave Thompson on the phone and at least listen to him.  He has extremely beautiful sounding amplifiers and his entry level tube amps start at $3k.  For the money Tekton speakers are easily driven by the Raven amps.  I do not own Tekton but they sound great and are extremely affordable.  Add a music streamer / DAC and you have a great system for under $10k.  
Given you keep active on this site, it surprises me to hear that. It’s become the preponderant current criticism. Someone just made that statement here on Audiogon in the past week.
Just because other people say it doesn't make it true. I've heard a lot of older ARC amps and CJs that seemed a lot more syrupy than the ST-70.
But a lot depends on condition- keep in mind when the ST-70 was new, so were the parts in it. That is why many of them have to be replaced, as the older parts when out of spec result in distortion, bandwidth problems and so on. IOW many people are describing an amp that is out of spec. I didn't.
Ahoy Captain,
& welcome to the world of vinyl. As some of the boys stated above, & a set-up I employ myself, a Tube pre-amp mated to a SS amp (an Audion Premier 2 box/MM pre-amp & Classe’ DR9), combines the sonic signature of 6922 tubes with the power, control, reliability, & convenience of SS. So I commend your pursuit of venturing into tube pre-amp territory, "BUT" why swim against the tide??? The Rogue Cronus MAGNUM (have to get the Magnum II) is reputed to have a good phono stage, 100W of power, & that’s just for openers. Now that KT-150 tubes are available you’ll have excellent dynamics, + for not a lot of money you can taylor your sound later on by scraping the JJ Electronic tubes [ (2) 12AX7, (3) 12AU7 ] and rolling them with Philips, RCA, Westinghouse, or even Mullard tubes. If you want to blow the wad go Dutch or German 12AX7/12AU7 tubes.
The thing is with the Rogue Cronus MAGNUM it’s phono stage will allow you to go as far as using High output MC cartridges & no extra interconnects or power cords that you’d have with separates, so with one purchase, in one box, you are done.

As for the Harbeth Super hl5plus speakers are concerned? I’d do a lot more looking around if I were you. Why settle for a speaker that only goes down to 40Hz? You’re missing out on a lot of music!!! My experience with British speakers is that they’re over priced, over rated & they under perform. If you’re enamoured with Brit speakers may I suggest looking at the various ProActs.
If you do decide to go with the Rogue, may I suggest used Coincident Speaker Technology speakers. Easy to drive, very well made & IMHO, dollar for dollar will out perform Harbeth’s offerings .... substantially. (see Hi-Fi Shark, used).
If you’re on more of a budget may I suggests PSB’s Imagine T3 Towers. Giant killers on a budget.
Best of luck.
I'd give the Harbeth Super hl5plus speakers a listen.  They will begin to roll off at 40Hz, but the bass will be present into the low thirties and beyond without doubling effects and port chuffing.  They will, however, require some power.  If you are dead set on going down the tube path, however, speakers like the Coincident Technology speaker recommended by a previous poster, or the Tektons, or any high efficiency horn type speaker may go better with the "gestalt" of your system.  Of course, you will be missing out on the incredible natural presentation of the Harbeths (which can be obtained at substantially less cost than you will end up paying for the tube rig).