Gallo 3.1 Mains...What for the surrounds-Center

Recently purchased the 3.1's(get them tomorrow) and am now faced with a decision for the surrounds. We have been using our mains in phantom for center duty and have not missed having a center speaker. How would the 3.1's handle this duty? Working with a limited budget and the reference center is out of range at this time. Thinking about the Due or A'diva ti as a center, if it will really add to the experience, and a pair of either a'divas ti's or micro ti's for rears. Would appreciate opinions.
Good luck, Steve! Any way you go, you're still gonna have that great Gallo sound. *Do* keep an eye out for a Due (or 3). Tell ya what, if I find a deal on one of the new Dues, I'll make ya a good deal on my Center - the ol' trickle down philosophy in action!!

Will keep it in mind. Love trickle down.
Just looked at your system and must admit a bit of jealousy. My wife will never let me move my speakers that far in front of the rest of the system. Just the price we pay.
An inexpensive option would be Mirage Omnisats. The sound would blend with the Gallo's and the look would be somewhat retained as well.
I have the 3.1's and have tried phantom and Dues for center. But none of them can touch the AV center for performance. The AV center is designed to be hung against the wall for best performance and that's were they are, under the plasma. The sound is fantastic with plenty of bass and integrates seamlessly across the front. I use a pair of Orbs for the rear, which also mates well with the rest of the system.
Have to agree with Kkm, I have the AV Center on the wall below the projector screen with amazing sound on the fronts (3.1s on the Left & Right).

Using the A'Divas (4) for the backs with good results in the ceiling.

Once I upgrade the AV Rec. I will be set!