Why is Oppo stopping products.

Just went to their website and they are no longer making new products. 
Because the bottom line rules and profit is everything, even in Communist China!
I'm going to disagree with the "Phone company whats to make a huge profit, so people buy them" mentality and say it's because people want convenience.  Consuming music on a phone is incredible easy whether it be through iTunes of Google Play.  BTW, all companies want to make a profit.  That's how they stay in business and that's how employees continue to get paid.

I paid $320 for my LG V20+ SK Edition unlocked NIB about a year ago.  I paid $400 for for my wife's LG+ V30 a few months ago.  I pay $9/month for my plan and $3.40/month for my wife's plan (Talk & Text, no Data).  Some people have to have the latest and greatest phone at pay full price, or more, on the day it's released.  If you overpaid for your phone, well that's on you.  And, if you're paying Hundreds for a Cell Plan, maybe it's time to look around for something more economical.  

I'm sure that there's a lot more profit in my "audiophile" EIM's then in the Phone or Plan.  I have JH Audio, Campfire Audio and Periodic Audio IEM's that were all bought direct.  So, that would mean that there probably at least a 40-50 Point line.  At the 40 Point mark, there's more profit in my JH audio IEM's then the cost of both Phones.  There might be enough to also go out for a nice Dinner.  Remember, Audiophile companies tend to be niche, sell less product, and have higher prices.

Let's get back to the topic of this thread.  After seeing the announcements for Oppo, I called them to get the reason for their exit.  Quite simply, they found that manufacturer Blu-ray Players as an unsustainable model.    They sell less Players every year, while cost continue to rise.  So, they decided to take what money they had left and put it toward supporting the product that they had already sold; the Honorable thing.  The other products they sold were just a small part of their revenue stream.  BTW, they were surprised about the Sonica, but it was just too late.  We can debate this over and over, but every year less and less people buy physical media.  Every year there are less and less "High-End" CD, SACD and Blu-ray players and transports.  Right now all the buzz is about Computer Audio and Streaming.

Now, I have to take my leave.  My Custom Horse drawn Coach Builder just called and he has some design considerations to discuss.  Yes, I found the last Builder of Custom Coaches and you can't have his Telegraph number.
" I intentionally want to keep my post short because I think we may be veering off topic a bit and I don't want the OP to think we're hi-jacking his thread on subs. Anyone interested in continuing off-topic discussions is probably best served by starting a separate new thread on the topic of their choice."

     My mistake, I thought I was responding on another thread.
     Yes, I feel like an idiot and am more than a bit embarrassed.
     My only excuse is I have a brain the size of a small walnut.
Please disregard,
Still not sure I believe all the explanations. 

In TYPICAL business model, I would expect to make profits as long as you can until it's no longer profitable, as opposed to get a jump on it. "In the future, we won't make profits so we are stopping now"..?? Does anyone buy that? 

Makes less sense to me, because I got the impression the were selling everything they made. 

Nope. I think there is more to the story. Maybe it's a stupid simple as the brother-in-law got a divorce, maybe got in trouble with taxes or something...maybe they have so much money they don't care. Maybe they got a new owner, or maybe current owner wanted to buy a baseball team....

Do you understand how much it cost to do a production run?  They have to order hundreds if not thousand(s) of the units from their supply.  Up until they made the announcement of their closing, they were not selling everything they made.  The only product that was hard to get was the Sonica DAC.  Dealers and Oppo were sitting on a lot of Disc Players.  The announcement caused a run on the 205's which sold out in about 10 days.  I'm going to guestimate that there where about 200+ 205's.  I know that about 30-50 were sold through Best Buy/Magnolia.

The cheaper 203's took about a month to sell out.  I'm assuming that there were more 203's available.  Sonica WiFi speakers are still available.  

The announcement motivated a lot of people that were sitting on the fence to finally make a purchase.

Oppo was loosing money over the last few years.  They were not selling enough product to cover their overhead (salaries, rent/mortgage, insurance, utilities, etc).

Ask yourself how many people do you know that own a 4k Blu-ray Player?  

Hey, if you don't believe what you read here, then call Oppo.  I've actually spoken to them twice in the last month; they've always been upfront and forthright.  

BTW - On google maps you can actually see the Oppo Facility.  Also, they are still taking reservations for 203's and 205's for a potential final run.