Just got ruined by a pair of Treo CTs

So, went down to my local hi-fi shop today and they just so happened to have a pair of Treos with the carbon tweeters on display. He put on a Donald Fagen record and my jaw dropped, the top end was just...blissful... just perfect. Hard to describe.
Immediately afterward I heard the magnepan 3.7. while sounding great, the Treos sounded substantially better IMO.
Ok..so was planning to get a brand new pair of model 2s at some point, now I'm not so sure. The Treos CTs cost $8500. Oh dear...

Yeah, If you don't like neutral, natural mids and highs with lightening quick bass and extension, I guess I can see your point.....;-)
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Funny No one ever talks about the deal breaker the
Funny 1900's binding post's.    The man should talk to Cardas about them or anyone
the binding posts which are actually a custom made barrier strip is integral with the crossovers which eliminates 4 connections.....

plenty of high end wire company offer Vandersteen sized spades....

but IF it’s a deal breaker for you I understand.....
RV also stated that the terminal strip also made the speakers sound better than standard 5-way binding posts. I believe this theory has been tested by others.