Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?
The operative words, fairly presented by the OP are "Non-Believers" .

To the poster who derided the scientists who make judgments  ".....without considering  observable phenomena" I suggest that, in the difference of cable issue there ARE not (yet) observable phenomenon in the non-biased reproducible sense respected by scientists. 
So belief system, sure, no sense in arguing. Enjoy your religion, be it conventional, alternative, new age whatever, enjoy your cables. But do not conflate with science and engineering.
And BTW lots of "scientists and engineers" pray at least occasionally, self included. Agree life is not ALL science!
Elizabeth, I truly could not tell if your comments on HIV and health were parody/satire or genuine.

I agree that the debates that are often depicted as "objectivists vs subjectivists" have the character of a religious vs non-believer debate, and they are on the continuum of the debate between religion and science.
Sorry my comments were utterly off topic. I suggest trying Wikipedia for more info on topic mentioned.

playmore"... I suggest that, in the difference of cable issue there ARE not (yet) observable phenomenon in the non-biased reproducible sense respected by scientists. So belief system, sure, no sense in arguing."

Well of course you are entitled to your cherished beliefs but your statement inaccurate there have been many instances where cable differences have been scientifically shown, proven and established these include measurement based tests as well as double blind, scientific controlled double blind listening tests and yes these are reproduceable but it is easier for so many such as yourself to cling to your faith based convictions and of course you are free to think as you please.
To venture into another close at hand can of worms to "Can cables make a hearable difference" is the other can of worms related to it.   Which is: Is the difference WORTH THE MONEY SPENT?  
That is a dilemma I ponder yes I spent over a thousand on power cords already. (each $39 to $349) and like them. BUT, would spending $3199 on just one powercord (A four meter AQ Hurricane) be reasonable for me?  
(I have spent $3,199 on one pair of interconnects.A pair of Kimber KS1116 seven meters for the pre to amp. so it is not totally insane to consider.)   
$3200 is a lot of worms. that is half the cost of a new Bryston 4B3. or 1/4 the cost of a pair of 7B3s.  Which I know could make me happy. 
See Geoff, you started this Hurricane business.  So I am actually thinking about it.   But the major problem is I doubt I would feel I got $3200 in VALUE from the cord.