Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

Guys, if you don’t hear a difference... just don’t spend your $$, and let everyone else make their own decisions. You don’t need to make your opinion into a crusade.

This is a very common reply and I think it reflects a strange imbalance, or bias, operating in these types of forums.

So long as one is claiming cables make a difference, they can happily post about the superiority of any cable they buy over others and it’s all accepted in good cheer. There are thousands of such posts made on audiogon and other high end forums.

But should someone have an alternative view - that they are not convinced of the wisdom of spending lots of money on the high end cables everyone is lauding - well then THAT person’s view is seen simply as negative and harassing, even dogmatic and evangelical. Or, conversely, a heretic has snuck into the pews.

Even if a more skeptical opinion is couched in a way that is no stronger than any of the many "cables OBVIOUSLY make a difference" posts, it becomes an occasion for the "stop harassing us!" replies.

Even look at the OP of this thread. It’s as "evangelical" and challenging to those who don't spend money on high end cables as anything a skeptic would write. (Even suggesting anyone who disagrees is deluded or dogmatic).

But is it greeted as obnoxious, harassing or pushy by the folks who agree cables make a big difference? Apparently not. So long as a post aligns with that bias that high end cables obviously make sonic differences from lower priced cables, then it’s "Well...yeah...of course...what’s the problem?"


Despite, your seeming erudition, you ignore the facts.
Nowhere in my original post do I indicate, or even infer that you have to “spend money on high end cables.” In your ardor, you misstate what was written.
My statement merely avers that “there are differences in cables.”
Nowhere! Is there even a mention of “high end.”
Indeed, in a later post, as a response to a similar challenge,  I indicate that the price I spent is about the same as the one I replaced.

Please, next time, please get your facts straight.

Prof,  I agree that the big names in cable are way too expensive.  I don't think I would spend the same amount again on my Transparent cables.  Good thing is, they have remained in place during the evolution of my system, so I now consider them a good value over time.  
Yes, the newbie should not be thrown off their goals by daunting prices but should also be aware of "...the limitations of inferior system interconnections."  Common advice is to "nail down the speakers", or "nail down your front end".  Connections tend to come in last, but not least--I consider the total of my interconnections as important as a component, in that, everything is additive.  
Not sure of what Belden offers in grain-free copper, but not sure what Transparent uses, either.  With today's ultra-pure copper available in DIY, I would also construct a speaker cable before buying.  I did find that OCC copper in bulk AC cable gave me the sweet clarity I was looking for and would recommend building before buying.  Interconnects are more complex but would be a good project.   
"Guys, if you don’t hear a difference... just don’t spend your $$, and let everyone else make their own decisions. You don’t need to make your opinion into a crusade"

The above quote is solid advice 

My response to aalenik was meant to address the general concept of sonic differences between cables.  And since most of that debate centers around the claims of high end cables,  which we all know to be more expensive than the norm - I was referencing those.

That said, I can see how when I mentioned your post I conflated the issue of "higher prices" with your claim about "differences between cables."   Sorry.  That was sloppy of me.

That said, your claim that "There are vast differences" obviously falls within that much debated arena (which is why you made the post in the first place - acknowledging there are skeptics).  So, money aside, it's still an example of what I was arguing:  That if you voice an opinion that is in line with "cable obviously make sonic differences" then no one blinks an eye, even when it's made in a challenging (even derisive) way.  But should a skeptic voice some skepticism, he is accused of being dogmatic, harassing and out to wreak the fun of other people.  A sort of "sit down and shut up" implication if you don't go with the flow.