Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?
Yes the Cable Company is most definitely still in business.
Excellent source for people who wish to open their minds and try some cables out.
Cables clearly make a huge difference.  After I bought my first system I was really upset that I could hear almost nothing.  Then I tried interconnects and speaker cables and wow, the sound was so much better!
Clearthink: “You can STFU now.”

wow. What a classy guy. Have to resort to crude language now, do you?

thanks for the link. I’ll read it but it’s highly unlikely to move the needle. Imho these things don’t pass cost benefit analysis.

Btw, I have an engineering buddy who has 6 Grammy awards for his engineering work for Deutsche Grammophon. He built his own recording studio, speakers, etc and designed his own editing software. And he can play world class violin. The guy is a genius. His opinion: Are there differences? Yes. Are they meaningful? Don’t waste your money.

Do what you want. Just don’t expect me to follow you down that marketing rabbit hole.

On another note, my friend also says the Shure V15 type III was maybe the best cartridge ever made. Only $500 in its day. Good does not have to be expensive. The unique, proprietary needle design was half the magic, finding a used cartridge and re-tipping it is an impossibility. 
unreceivedogma"The guy is a genius. His opinion:  Are there differences? Yes. Are they meaningful?  Don’t waste your money.'

It does not matter if he is a genius or if you are a genius or whatever you're claims to intellectual superiority are whether something is worth the price asked is a purely subjective determination and decision and to presume that because you are inherently superior gives you the wherewithall to decide others decision's for them is just the sort of "dogma" that would be expected from someone such as yourselfand the name you have chosen to use here. 

"thanks for the link. I’ll read it but it’s highly unlikely to move the needle. Imho these things don’t pass cost benefit analysis."

There is no cost to read the truthful and revealing article that I sent you it is obvious that you’re mind is already made up that’s the way it is with fervent religious fundamentalists such as yourself nothing can in any way intrude or cloud your cherished beliefs you will not allow that or even the tinyest bit of doubt creep into you’re closed mind.