Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

"thanks for the link. I’ll read it but it’s highly unlikely to move the needle. Imho these things don’t pass cost benefit analysis."

There is no cost to read the truthful and revealing article that I sent you it is obvious that you’re mind is already made up that’s the way it is with fervent religious fundamentalists such as yourself nothing can in any way intrude or cloud your cherished beliefs you will not allow that or even the tinyest bit of doubt creep into you’re closed mind.
Btw, I have an engineering buddy who has 6 Grammy awards for his engineering work for Deutsche Grammophon. He built his own recording studio, speakers, etc and designed his own editing software. And he can play world class violin. The guy is a genius. His opinion: Are there differences? Yes. Are they meaningful? Don’t waste your money.

Deutsche Grammophon used to be a real contender. So did the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. They were unbeatable But that was a long time ago. This is now. Things change. 🤡 Other than that, partner, thanks for the excellent example of an Appeal to Authority.

A - do you know how to read? I said “do what you want”
B - don’t characterize me as something I am not in order to coddle your own insecurities. I am an agnostic. I do my research and then come to a conclusion. I’ve tried several expensive cables in my system, I got MAYBE 5% improvement. The price didn’t justify it. YOU are the one who is set in your ways, but the Marxist in me in your case does not ascribe it to theology. You are so invested in your position that I’m beginning to suspect that you work for a cable company. 
C - as for my friend, this audience deserves to know that there is highly credible professional opinion out there that doesn’t by into the claims of cable manufacturers, which he regards as overstated. 

I am now done with this thread. Carry on, have a nice weekend. 
Have yourself a blessed weekend too my friend.
I sincerely intend to, listening to music with my middling expensive cable strewn system.
Its all in the ears of the beholder, not in the mind...imho of course
Just to mention there is no free ride at "The Cable Company". To ’borrow’ a cable you pay for it. Then if you do not like it, you can use your money already paid to borrow other cables after you return the one you had. (naturally more cost means you pay that extra) You NEVER get a refund. So eventually you will be buying something from them, or have a big credit with them! Just no refund. if you are really serious about buying new cables, and want to use the service, it really is good. If you are just fooling around, go elsewhere.
Audio Advisor has an actual refund. but use a refund more than twice with Audio Advisor and you will be banned.