Turntable recommendations around $2500

Hi everyone,

Yes, another "what do you recommend" thread.  I'll provide a few specifics to help narrow down the field.  First of all, I don't live near any audio dealers, so listening to products isn't an option.  I want to purchase through one of the various online audio dealers who offers a 30-day (or more) return policy - Audio Advisor, Music Direct, Needle Doctor, etc.  

My general parameters are:
  • approx. $2000-2500 for table only (less is better, of course, but not at the expense of sound quality) 
  • RCA or DIN output connection (no integral phono cables, which rules out Rega and Clearaudio)  experiment with aftermarket cables).
  • No unipivot tonearm (sorry, VPI)

So, with all that in mind, I'm looking at the following that meet my criteria:

  • Pro-Ject RPM 9 Carbon
  • Musical Hall MMF 9.3
  • Mobile Fidelity Ultradeck
  • EAT C-Major
  • ELAC Miracord 90
  • SOTA Satellite II (w/202 arm)

For what it's worth, I prefer a table that leans slightly toward the warmer side of neutral.  Would love to hear opinions from those who are using one of these tables or who have heard them and decided not to purchase. And, of course, other recommendations are welcome.


Another vote for SOTA here; reliable, upgradeable and will accept many different arms if you want to move on from a Rega 202.  The suspension eliminates any issues from footfalls and spurious low frequency vibrations.  Important if your floors aren't ideal or you are near any high traffic or railway areas.  Worked for me in all of those situations and will last a lifetime if you take care of it.

Good luck & happy listening!
@spenceroo thank you for sharing your experience.

I remember you mentioning this a couple of months ago.  I recently sold my VPI Classic rig, and have considered what comes next.  Though the VPI line has proven successful beyond anyone's belief, and I have spent time with a lot of their products over the past 20 years, the sound doesn't line up with my tastes.  Based on your impressions, I've given substantial thought to the Mobile Fidelity
Well Tempered Labs Simplex. Approx. $2k. Look for some of the glowing reviews on the Internet.;-)
If you value speed accuracy,  a neutral, open, resolving energetic sound and ease of setup consider the Technics SL 1200GR as previously mentioned.  
You can easily add warmth with your choice of cartridge.  

Trelja- I’ve never heard a VPI yet.  Can you say more about what their house sound is?

Scott-  Thanks for starting this thread as I’m also looking into buying my first turntable soon.