Power Cables

Is it necessary to use the same brand and model of power cables for the amp and pre-amp? Any thoughts about mixing and matching? I know it all comes down to how they sound, but would love to hear your inputs or tips to guide me in the selection.
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Good Grief! Just use the power cords supplied by the manufacturer of your audio gear. That is all you need!
Imagine you have a pair of 100 Watt Class A Monoblocs. Thats 200W. Now, at 30% efficiency for Class A that would come to 600W (a little more including input stage, etc). At 115 volts that comes to 5.21Amps!
It would take 2300Watts of total power to exceed the capacity of a 20Amp AC outlet :-)
“Good Grief! Just use the power cords supplied by the manufacturer of your audio gear. That is all you need!”

Yes and always repurchase the crap OEM tires that your car’s manufacturer put on it at the factory. After all, they meet minimum DOT requirements. Economics played no part in the manufacturer’s selection. It is only coincidence that they are the cheapest possible option. So what if they significantly compromise the potential performance of your car.

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