Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
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Cleeds says: "Your mind is made up : mind is made up...because, among other attributes, I am intelligent and smart. And this difference of opinion is something you should want to be on this forum. It is what discussion is all about.

Yaysayers crack me up. You spend untold thousands of dollars on what you decide is a kickbutt audio system...and the more you spend the more you need to spend more on all the little gimmicks that others convince you will "Make an Improvement." And, of course, once you spend that all that on one gimmick (that almost always sounds better) the more you need the next one. That’s why you are getting close to replacing your home’s wiring and breaker. Holy Moly...after you do that, what is next? This: Spend even more money on a new system and start all over again.

Yaysayers seem to have no concept of the value of money and the value of products. is your money to spend as you want. And it is my privilege, on this forum, to continue to criticize what I see a poor advice to naive visitors to this site.

@dynaquest.........So you are saying that WE Believers are not intelligent and smart like you? 
I know for a fact i that hear a difference with my upgraded Shunyata King Cobra CX PC for my ARC Ref 6 compared to the stock PC. Same goes with my Shunyata Sigma PC for my Krell FPB 600 and my Shunyata Sigma Digital PC Rega Isis CDP. Same goes for my StraightWire Crescendo ICs and speaker cable. I hear a big difference even from the lower end StraightWire Virtuso which i upgraded to Crescendo all the way around ...So i really think unless you try some higher end PCs and ICs and speaker cable you should not say that it is a waste of money and dont have any value of money. Our money im sure is just as important to us as to you. So i wall say once again if u never tried it you cant give an opinion one way or the other. 
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Yaysayers: Willing to spend money and experiment with different aftermarket items to see if they can improve the sound of their systems. Usually have high resolution systems that can reveal the differences (good or bad) that a tweek might bring. They will take the time to carefully listen and decide if there is an improvement in the sound, just a difference in the sound or no effect at all. It takes time & effort to do and is not for everyone.

Naysayers: Not willing to spend the money, because there is no need, as the end result is already known to them. It can't possibly make a difference, so why bother. Nays like to argue with the Yays even after the Yays have actually done the experiment! They bring up expectation bias or a placebo effect or make negative remarks like: "Makes an audible difference" someone posted, no it doesn't . It can't , there is no logical reason for an outlet to upgrade sound…same goes for power cables" or " You have hundreds of fat of copper in your home and you think changing the last three feet of that is going to make a difference at what comes out of your speakers" or " Why waste more money on something that anyone really intelligent and logical would discern as a "gimmick." or " mind is made up...because, among other attributes, I am intelligent and smart." or " Yaysayers seem to have no concept of the value of money and the value of products."

Now, if you are not interested in getting the best performance from your system, why are you participating in these forums? Is it to make fun of Yays? Is it because you are too cheap to spend money & time to experiment? Or, is it that you just need to be right? STOP insulting those of us that have taken the time & effort to improve and appreciate our systems.