Will fine tune adjustments with protractor help with "brightness?"

Hello everyone-

I've had my TT setup now for 2 months. System looks like this:

Piega C10 Ltd speakers
McIntosh 402 amp
Technics SL1200GR TT
Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE II phono pre
MoFi Master tracker cart

My ears may be deceiving me, but I swear my vinyl cuts sound slightly brighter at the beginning of the album and soften a little as we near the middle. I set the cartridge by using the little white piece provided by Technics and it sounds great. I've been told by reliable sources that a good protractor, maybe even  Feickert Universal Protractor can help me get even more out of my carts. 

Would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks! Brent

I don`t know if it`s any consolation, but I did exactly the same thing. My shirt sleeve caught the back of the counterweight, and sent a Koetsu Urushi spinning across the platter. 

Believe me, a Koetsu rebuild is expensive!
i have read that technics tables use a stephensen alignment and assumed that the mint best tractor was lofgren because of the increased overhang compared to the technics gauge.  whatever flavor either truly is, the mint alignment sounds better and the protractor makes it easier to be accurate.  
I just received the Mint Protractor and haven’t yet used it to align my Hana SL. Yip was pretty adamant in his email response to me that his protractor used Stevenson and that was the only option. I didn’t question him and insist on Lofgren, so what I got is Technics version of Stevenson. From what I have read, for most TT setups, Lofgren is preferred, not so for the Technics. I like the fact that the Mint Protractor has the mirror.