price of Oppo players threw the roof

Was over at Amazon the 203 was priced around $1100. Pure greed.
Oppo was a giant-killing beast, threw and threw. I’ll be happy buying American and European from here on out, though. If we let Chinese companies like that corner markets, we’re done for. And I’m a Bernie Sanders guy! 
I bought and upgraded a Pioneer LX88, too bad Oppo. Beats the Oppo 205 anyway...and later in a year's time or so when Pioneer release their new players...I'll be back. 
If you think 1100 bucks is threw the roof , have you seen prices of the others ?
Johnread57 ...  curious ... what leads you to believe your upgraded Pioneer LX88 beats the Opportunity 205?  Please share in a meaningful way that helps others out here.  What mods did you make to the pioneer?  What was your total time and expense?  What company(s) did you use for parts or to do the mods?  How did you feel about their service?  Did you do a side by side comparison to the 205 on your own rig?  Are you comparing the audio or the video, or both?  Was it a similar quality TV monitor for comparison, or for audio, were the 2 rigs comparabe as per, what speakers and amp were used in each rig?  Thanks in advance for any detailed feedback.