HD-DVD Officially Dead

wow its only been a couple days and its already old news, very sad and frustrating old news
I do not have either type, but I am glad the better format won this time (unlike Beta and VHS)
Now all they need is to fully implement BluRay's features.. Or, is Sony gonna do to BluRay what it did to SACD?
(SACD beat out DVD-A, the Sony dropped it... as if the only reason Sony made SACD was to destroy DVD-A, then, after.. who cares?)
And, eventually, when I get a 1080p screen, I will get a BluRay player.
Right now I am satisfied with my 720p.....and upscaled DVDs.
Elizabeth: BlueRay was not the better format, video quality is almost identical 1080p is 1080p... there was no advantage other than Sony reaping the patent $$ from every blueray sale. SACD was only brought out by Sony because they lost the Patent $$$ they were collecting from every CD manufactured not to destroy DVD-A. SACD Failed because Sony's licensing approach like the betamax. Toshiba receives patent money from DVD.

Perceived advantage of more storage???? Blueray disc's didn't use the double sided tech because of manufacturing problems. "Fully implemented Blueray features" were included in the first HD-DVD player... not 2 years later like blueray where the first players can't play some of the current movies (Samsung lawsuit), and at the end of this year the 2.0 version of blueray will come out cause headaches for everyone buying one.

The only winner in this situation after confusing the customer base are the online downloaders... AppleTV, Vudu, etc where customers can download HD content (doesn't look as good) but doesn't require a $400+ Blue Ray player or spending $39 for a single movie.
One major issue involved in this format war is that a Blueray DVD has to be made on a new type of DVD manufacuring machine whereas HD-DVD did not. Since Blueray is now the offical HD-DVD format, it will compell disc makers to purchase new and very expensive stamping equipment and related accessories to make Blueray DVDs. Thus, I would look for the price of Blueray DVDs to go up initially as many medium size DVD stampers simply do not have the capital to invest in these very expensive stamping machines. Even with larger DVD stampers like BMG, it will take them time to recoup the initial capital outlay to buy more of these machines and produce Blueray DVDs.