HD-DVD Officially Dead


Nice warning to consumers about buying Blu-Ray
The better format did not win this time. Let's all keep Blu Ray honest as far as progressing the quality of their offerings.
Although Toshiba had announced that they would discontinue the development of HD-DVD, there is no clear indication that the production of standard DVD will cease immediately. I reckon SD DVD will continue to be produced. But the question is how long will they continue to be produced? VHS video had suffered death years ago due to format changes, and time will tell when SD DVD will suffer the same fate to Blu-ray.

We can still take consolation in that HD DVD players can still play HD-DVD discs as well as SD DVD. I guess both player and HD-DVD disc will now be sold at dirt cheap prices, and maybe folks will still continue to purchase them?
Ryder: I am totally going to buy one of the newer HD-DVD players on closeout at $99 and $129 with 7 movies.... because this is one of the most impressive upscaling DVD players for regular DVD's. I think that DVD's will be around like redbook CD's for a long time... most of america only cares about cost and DVD quality is good enough for their smaller tv's. $15.95 on sale for a DVD versus $25-39 for a Bluray.... SACD had this problem... the average consumer didn't care enough for the extra quality to buy the gear to play it. Plus you factor in all the HDCP incompatibile tv's with gear and people really get frusterated... and the rip off $100 HDMI cables at your BestBuy stores.. Christmas 2008 will be interesting... streaming rental of movies or Bluray?
HD DVD is officially dead?! Who would have believed after all this started that, at this time this year, we would no longer be considering HD DVD players in our future? I mean, at the very least I figured a co-existence of the formats - but a complete dismantling of one of the formats?
LOL - the funny thing is that even though Sony FINALY got what they wanted aparently, which is total market share and monopoly of some major technology or format in the electronics world, it probably won't matter! In fact, I think the universe is conspiring against Sony, personally (lol)! I say that because I'm pretty darn certain that discs as we know them, are becoming more and more obsolute, as "hard drive media storage" is where it's all going anyway!!!