Joseph Audio dealers

Can anyone give me some leads on dealers in the West/southwest? I’m in Albuquerque. Didn’t see anything on website and attempts to contact company over the last couple months have gone unanswered. Thanks 
Keep us posted - wideload.JA has never kept an up-to-date website for reason(s) unknown? Perhaps his business does better selling direct than dealers/retailers?
Happy Listening!
Goldprint audio in North Carolina is a dealer - don't know if that works for you
It looks like my plan for now will be to attend the Rocky Mountain this October. I see JA will be there. Thanks for your responses.
+Vote for Goldprint Audio, excellent dealer/retailer operated by Taylor.Keep us posted wideload.  Happy Listening!
I believe Jeff Whitlock at A/V Solutions in Pleasanton, CA deals Joseph. He's a good guy.