Graham ls5/9 vs Harbeth M30.1

I'm looking to Graham.
Can someone tell the difference beetween the Two??

I heard the Grahams up there in Michigan, too. Heard the 40.2 and the LS5/9... the Grahams did have that boost around the 5 to 6khz region that is mentioned in one of the reviews—and mentioned as a purposeful design aspect. This def made the speakers seem more detailed and with more presence. Acoustic guitar had a more close-up and in the room feel. But I wondered if that sorta signal boost there would get to someone over time. 
Jriggy, yes. my measurements showed a peak exactly at 5-6 khz.
to my ears, that made the graham bit tiresome to listen to and eventually bothersome 

my measurements also showed a BBC 4db dip between 1.7khz to 3khz.

I still liked the graham ls5/9, but the shl5plus are more align with my preference. but I could have been very happy with the graham as well