CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Vinyl wins - usually. My vinyl setup is 'very good', my digital medium 'good'. It often depends on the album, production and recording, of course. Some CDs can sound very good indeed (Dr John plays the Duke comes to mind). But usually, SACDs sound better. My digital systems are good enough to hear differences among file formats. Mp3 sounds restriced, CD sounds more OK, 24/96 PCM is better, 24/192 better still, standard DSD a step up, and double DSD is the best I've heard yet - comparing recordings from my vinyl rig, made on a Tascam DA3000. The best sound still comes from vinyl, direct, all else equal, but with double speed DSD it is harder to hear the difference.
CD for me. Just got to be patient and give the new kid a chance to get over it's teething problems and the difficult attention seeking 'loud' years.

Another decade should do it.
For anyone that thinks CD has greater dynamic range please google "loudness war"

Thank you
Like you already mention, depends on the quality of the source.  Building a DHT DAC that has a 35lb power supply has sounded better than many high end TT set-ups in many different systems (around $10-$15K  TT & phono).  In building a phono stage of the same build as the DAC, the DAC does not come close to the phono.  As relaxed, musical, dimensional, openness, and tone the DAC reproduces, the phono just does everything better that digital can reproduce IMO.  BTW, I do not own a TT so I mainly listen to CDs.  Without comparing the two directly, I don't miss it until I do the comparison.  But most TT set-ups I have heard, don't sound as good as the DAC so I don't really feel I am missing anything.  Happy Listening.
I find that thru ease of use i play a lot more CDs than LPs. I finally got my TT isolated well so I don't have feedback issues anymore. (Just one of the many universal TT issues).
The two mediums certainly sound a little different, but there's only a few of my LPs that sound noticeably better, and those, I always play the LP.
I found that a musical DAC and a good, tube preamp, make CDs sound very, very good. In fact, I have a Mozart CD with sir Neville Marriner conducting, featuring Anne-Sophie Mutter on violin. It's produced in DDD and it sounds wonderful.
However I would love to hear an LP of the same performance to hear if there's and appreciable difference/improvement.
And the poorly recorded/produced LPs sound just as bad as the poorly done CDs, IMO.
