Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions

I am completely satisfied with my Thiel 2.2's. They are transparent, detailed (sometimes unforgivingly so), incredible imaging, and solid as rocks. Unfortunately, my girlfriend thinks they are clunky looking and since we're getting new furniture she is wondering if there is anything smaller I could replace them with.

I should be able to get $900 out of them to put toward some smaller speakers. I'm considering monitors, or anything smaller and nicer looking (possibly a slim floor stander with a nice veneer.) I would prefer not spending more than $1000 on the speakers, and I don't mind buying used.

I am looking for the things that my Thiel's did well (detail, transparency, incredible imaging, large body of sound) as opposed to overly warm-sounding speakers.

You can use the links below my username to view my system. I'm still getting started, and my next upgrade will be getting a separate amp. Any suggestions for an amp to complement your suggested speakers would also be appreciated. My budget for the amp is no more than $400 used.

Thanks for any suggestions, and please don't answer with "lose the girlfriend." It's not helpful. All other advice is very appreciated.

I think there is something to be said for compromise. She doesn't have the final say in what happens in a room, but then again neither do I. She cares about how a room looks and would prefer to not have speakers reaching out into the social area. I also care about how the room looks, and I can see her point, but I get enough benefit from the speakers to be able to deal with it.

When you can't afford your own listening area, it's fair to compromise with the other people who use the room. That's just basic decency that comes from being a REAL man, balls and all.

Czbbcl,Very good.But you must be married for many years.
I wish i had your gonads.Best of luck with the 7.2's
I personally don't think the Thiels are bad looking speakers at all. I like the pyramid-esque shape of them, but for a room of my size they do become the focal point. I have a floorplan of the room on my system page if anyone cares to look at it.

Personal tastes aside, let's go on these assumptions:

1.) Monitor speakers (or slim good-looking floor standing speakers) will be easier to work into this particular room.

2.) I will spend $1,000 on the speakers.

3.) I would like something detailed and transparent with body, I realize it won't have the "Thiel" sound, and I am open to enjoying a new kind of sound.

4.) Looking for lots of value for the money.

The problem with compromise is that you compromise, she compromises, everyone compromises and nobody is happy. As someone mentioned Thiels are not bad looking speakers. I could understand her concern if they were say Wilson example beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And yes I have been married for a long time and plan on staying that way for a much longer time (same woman).