Liquid Amps

What is the most “liquid” sounding solid state amp and is “liquid” even a thing?
What kind of speakers do you have and how efficient?

Dunno what "liquid" means to you (no disrespect to Atmasphere/Ralph) but certainly very smooth and consider a Nelson Pass First Watt design.  I have an F7.  Great tone and depth to the presentation but only 20 wpc into 8 ohms (30 wpc into 4).  Reno HiFi allows an in-home audition.  Demo unit available for $2495.  A very good value, in my O-pinion.

Review here:

Reno HiFi listing here:

In my current set up I am running Dali MS4 speakers with a Modwright KWA 150 SE amp and a pair of REL R 528s.  Does anyone have an opinion on that set up with regards to the topic or any other?