New Look for Audiogon hard to work with

Is there a way to undo the "tile" look? It was a lot easier to work with the text list. 
I agree with the negative comments so far, this latest update is the worst "improvement" I have ever seen on the site. The circular previews are horrendous  graphic design and make it harder, not easier to scan listings of interest. The old text listing format was vastly easier to use. 
The new site design is absolutely horrible.  Keyhole images.  Really?  What the hell were they thinking?   It's not like Audiogon members are professional photographers and you can tell much about the first image posted... other than it is a black box!   Give them one week to go back to the old format or lets start using USA Audio Mart instead.  Time to protest this MESS. 

Search results I wanted are missing and 137 pages of completely unrelated results when searching for a brand. It’s bad enough that the interface is horrible, but the search results are now useless also. I know someone thought this was a good idea, but you should ask users before making a change like this and test it. How hard would it be to have an option for a list search?
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The site is hard to browse now. When you search category before, you got the
list and was able to look through in seconds. Now the picture(especially inside the Vignette circle) requires to focus on each single image just to understand what is it.
The entire concept look like spam. The spam's main goal is to get attention to things you normally would not waste your time on. Now you force me to deal with every single item I have no interest in. I could do it once-twice, but ultimately it become No fun to look at this on a daily basis.

Also I can not see what item is mine anymore. When got the list my items were different font color. Also the items you looked once also were different color. That saves your time to browse through items you'we already seen.
